Archive for June, 2009
LanternCast – Episode #14: Brightest Day, Blackest Night!
We review the Alan Scott story, “Brightest Day, Blackest Night”, talk GL toy news, and discuss Solomon Grundy #4! Plus, GL Ch’P’s Living Will, The LanternCast’s first humor skit! Music by Chad Farran and Paul and Storm. Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #13: GL News and More Theories!
The LanternCast gets all fancy with news segments, music and fake commercials! We’ve got more theories on Blackest Night, news on some of the other Green Lantern appearances and more! Music by Greg Baumont. Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #12: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Trade!
Greetings from the planet Scotland! We talk Star Trek for about five minutes, and spoil ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Then we move on to the “Tales of the Green Lantern Corps” trade, collecting the 1981 miniseries of the same name (we spoil it), as well as a hand full of short stories from the 80s. I’m not Green Lantern, I just play him on TV! Jim and Dan argue about clothing! Don’t eat the yellow snow! Music by Greg Baumont. Please visit our site at
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