Archive for July, 2022
LanternCast Episode #486- Thor: Love and Thunder Plus SDCC MCU Phase News!
Mark and Chad give their thoughts on “Thor: Love and Thunder” before discussing all the MCU news related to Phases 4-6 from SDCC! SPOILERS ahead! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Thor: Love and Thunder!- 00:56
- Marvel Phases 4-6!- 22:15
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #24!
It seems like ages, because it has, but we’re back with another episode! This one discusses the 2022 Kyle Rayner Sterling Silver Ring from Underworld & Beyond! There are plenty of options with this ring, I chose Option 4, but I’ve included the link to check out all the others!
LanternCast Episode #485- Ms. Marvel!
Dan returns, as he and Mark share their thoughts on the latest Disney + show, “Ms. Marvel”! They also discuss Phase 4 as a whole, setting the stage for a soon-to-come Phase 4 rant by Mark! SPOILERS ahead! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Ms. Marvel!- 00:56
- Marvel Phase 4!- 1:03:40
Download the episode HERE!
Dan’s YouTube Channel: Mosaic Comics

LanternCast Episode #484- Green Lantern #113-114 (Volume Three)!
Chad and Mark return to the glory years of Marz/Banks to cover the “Burning in Effigy” arc in Green Lantern #113-114! Kyle Rayner squares off with one of his more memorable villains, Effigy, for the first time! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Green Lantern #113-114!- 00:56
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #483 – Obi-Wan Kenobi: Requiem for a Jedi!
The Fire & Water Podcast Network‘s Ryan Daly returns as he and Mark do the post-mortem on the Obi-Wan Kenobi show! What did we think? How did we do on our original predictions? Take a listen and find out with this SPOILER filled episode! Plus, there’s Ryan’s adventures in a mini Star Wars con to enjoy! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
Download the original preview episode HERE!