Archive for December, 2009
LanternCast – Episode #37 – BN Wonder Woman 1, Adventure Comics and Rebels!
Jim wakes Dan up at 10am to talk about Blackest Night Wonder Woman 1, Adventure Comics 4 and 5, and R.E.B.E.L.S. 10 and 11. Are there rings in the Justice League’s future? What joke will Dan run into the ground? Just how much stuff can you pack into one cover? What IS the best use of the Legion? So Jim’s totally married? Two words: chocolate fountain! Burt Reynolds IS Sintestro! And toys, glorious toys…plus a convention announcement! All this and Dan’s kryptonite: numbers on the internet and general reading comprehension! Music by Chad Farran! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #36 – Last Minute Green Lantern Gifts for The Holidays!
A short episode, to keep you from killing us! Tune in as we tell you what you want for Christmas! Music by Chad Farran! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #35 – Blackest Night 5 and Green Lantern 48!
A short(er) episode this time as we cover Green Lantern #48 and Blackest Night #5. Dan pulls a Jim and goes off on like two or six crazy theories, and the two disagree on most things! By our powers combined, you are listening to LanternCast! Then Jim totally calls someone out! Oh, and Jim’s getting married! That’s CRAZY! Music by Chad Farran! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #34 – GLC 42 and Doom Patrol 4!
After checking our voicemail, we take a look at GLC 42, Doom Patrol 4, the JSA coming to Smallville, Adult Swim’s quality programming, and how Blackest Night will be collected into trades/hardcovers. Music by Chad Farran and “immortal” by Val Davis! Please visit our site at
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