
Archive for January, 2010

LanternCast – Episode #41 – BN Wonder Woman and JSA and Teen Titans!

This time around it’s Blackest Night Wonder Woman 2, Blackest Night JSA 1, and Teen Titans 77 and 78. Slade family values! Where the hell is the JSA’s base? How do you like YOUR memory download pages? Whenever Jim and Dan talk at the same time, it means they hate what eachother loves! All this and your highschool is stupid! PLUS! Don’t miss the details for our new contest! This one’s got an amazing prize attached, so take a listen and try your luck! Music by Chad Farran! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #40 – Brave and the Bold, Outsiders and JLA!

We finally get around to covering the Blackest Night tie-ins for Outsiders and JLA, and boy do we talk about them, as they require much discussion. I’m looking at you, Outsiders. And then there’s Brave and the Bold 30, an awesome story with Green Lantern and Fate! We close with news of what’s to come after Blackest Night, and discuss the giant Hal noggin bust statue. Creepy! Music by Chad Farran! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #39 – GLC 43, GL 49 and BN 6!

The long awaited discussion of Green Lantern 49 and Green Lantern Corp 43! Will Jim and Dan agree or disagree? And that’s just the beginning, as the second half of this episode welcomes Corwin Crowl back on to help discuss Blackest Night 6! Fun, laughter and Dan hates one of these books! Music by Chad Farran! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #38 – Booster Gold and Doom Patrol!

Jim and Dan get a surprising amount of mileage out of Booster Gold 26 and 27. They argue briefly about time travel, before arguing more about incest. Then it’s Doom Patrol 5 as the icing on the cake! Littered throughout is talk of DC’s “co-feature” program, as it is/was/will be! Plus: FAN MAIL! Music by Chad Farran! Please visit our site at

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