
Archive for November, 2010

LanternCast – Episode #72 – The Green Lantern Trailer And Emerald Warriors!

Dan’s back, so it must be another Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors episode! We discuss issues 3 and 4, then take a break to discuss the brand new recently released Green Lantern movie trailer! Spoiler, it’s awesome! Also edited by the LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Dasinu! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #71 – Comics Podcast Theme Event Week And GLC!

Two countries represented in this episode as Jim is joined by Producer James from Ireland! The first half of the episode is dedicated to Green Lantern Corp issues 50 through 52, and the second half dedicated to the Comics Podcast Theme Event Week, where we discuss who we would put on our Green Lantern Mt Rushmore! Plus, a new Fear File from Corwin! Also edited by the LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Dasinu! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #70 – Lost Tales From The NYCC!

For this episode, Jim is joined by Edgar Rios and Zac Bender, who also went to the New York Comic Con and came back with Tales of Wonder! Marvel at Edgar’s Stan Lee story! DC at Zac’s Tales From The Panel! Edited by the NEW LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Dasinu! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #2 – 1001 Emerald Nights!

Jim Ford and Chad Bokelman are back to discuss the Elseworld’s book 1001 Emerald Nights, a merging of Arabian Nights and Green Lantern lore. Plus, we have some feedback from the first episode! Edited by the NEW LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at

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Feedspot Ranked!