Archive for February, 2011
The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – Issue 8!
People hate and fear what they don’t know, but sometimes all it takes is a mirror to bring the worst of the worst to the surface. John Stewart is many things, but which of those is truly him? And is it possible to find acceptance without changing yourself into what others what you to be? All this, and we say goodbye to a writer who, while not directly connected to Mosaic, used the comics medium for much more than just telling stories. Please visit our site at
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LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #4 – Evil’s Might!
What happens when you cross Green Lantern with Gangs of New York? You get a 3 issue prestige format Elseworlds tale that has more than a few twists and turns. Co-written by Howard Chaykin, how did it turn out? Tune in to listen! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at
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The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – Issue 7!
Let’s dance! It’s John Stewart’s most toe-tapping jaunt through absurdity and psychology yet, as he answers the age old question: what’s more dangerous, a young knife-wielding female telepathic sociopath who just can’t get enough, or a hyper-religious duck the size of a really comfortable chair who’s been deprived of piece and quiet? Follow it up with forum feedback and a voicemail, and we’ve got ourselves a show! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #82 – The Valentine’s Day Episode
Lauren is sick, so this Valentine’s Day episode is just Jim, Dan and Chad discussing various news and topics that occasionally circle back and focus on love! Barely! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Dasinu! Please visit our site at
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The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – Issue 6!
Something a little different in this issue as the focus turns to Green Lanterns Boodika and Kreon who must face off to fight for their views, as well as the ability to get along. And John Stewart is once again breaking the 4th wall? Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #81 – GLC, GL-EW and Untold Tales of Blackest Night!
In this episode we talk about the books of January with Emerald Warriors 6, Green Lantern Corp 56 and a book that we had been meaning to get to, the Untold Tales of Blackest Night! Plus, a voicemail, Dan gets nominated for awesomeness, and we have a Twitter feed now! Good Night! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Dasinu! Please visit our site at
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The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – Issue 5!
Just in time for the Big Game, something that has nothing to do with football. I have no idea what’s going on here, John fighting Hal, John’s the size of a brick wall, a bunch of other crazy things. I’m pretty sure that when Dan is done with this series, he will be insane. Please visit our site at
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LanternCast – Episode #80 – Larfleeze Christmas and GL-Plasticman!
We finish off our month of catching up by taking a look at the enjoyable Larfleeze Christmas Special and the less than enjoyable Green Lantern/Plastic Man special, Weapons of Mass Distraction… and I use the term special loosely… Also, Voicemails! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Dasinu! Please visit our site at
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