
Archive for April, 2011

LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #5 – Super Green Lantern Man!

One of our favorite issues, with one of our favorite covers, we discuss Superman 147, the issue that answers the question of what would it be like if Superman had landed on Oa instead of Earth! Then we finish off the episode with a look at a backup tale from Superman 257 that first introduced the idea of Superman as a Green Lantern! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #90 – Random Earth Green Lantern Spotlight!

Listeners have been asking for character spotlights for ages, so we finally caved in and gave you spotlights… on NONE of the characters you wanted! We take a look at Waverly Sayre, Daniel Young, Donna Parker and Cary Wren, the unsung Green Lanterns of Earth! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #89 – War Of The Green Lanterns Begins!

We kick off War of The Green lanterns with a discussion of all the books that came out in March, Green Lantern 63 and 64, Green Lantern Corps 58 and Emerald Warriors 8! Listen in to see how this war starts up! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – Issue 13!

Come see the Mosaic through the eyes of…well…eyes! It’s an exercise in togetherness and cooperation for all the wrong reasons, as the march to the end begins. Please visit our site at

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The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – Issue 12!

Forget Red rings, John deals with some REAL rage and hatred on the Mosaic. It’s one of the worst groups Humanity has to offer, with a couple unexpected twists, and an ending that’ll make you do a double take! Please visit our site at

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