
Archive for June, 2011

LanternCast – Episode #98 – May Books!

Jim and Chad review May’s Green Lantern books! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #99 – Spoiler Free Green Lantern Movie Review!

Jim is joined by some friends of the cast to discuss the Green Lantern movie with NO SPOILERS! If you have not seen the movie, this review will not ruin it for you. If you HAVE seen the movie, you will know what we are talking about. Everybody wins! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #97 – Denny O’Neil Interview!

When you start compiling a list of writers that had the biggest impact on the Green Lantern comic, you will no doubt find your way to Denny O’Neil. A living legend, a writer and an editor, it is our honor to present an interview with the man himself. Listen, learn and enjoy. We did. Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – Issue 16!

Invasion: Oa! Alien armadas and super beings invade the center of the universe to take the Mosaic citizens home…but who cares about THAT mess, we’re gonna take a look at what makes Rose tick instead! It’s a way of looking at the DC Universe you’ve never thought of before, as only someone living on the Mosaic could think of. Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #96 – War of The Green Lanterns 4, 5 and 6!

Jim, Dan, and James discuss the April books in this episode, parts 4, 5 and 6 of War of The Green Lanterns! Green Lantern 65, Green Lantern Corps 59, and Emerald Warriors 9, all right here! Plus details on our end of year awards and more! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #95 – DC Relaunch News!

Jim, Dan, Chad and Jason all join in to give their thoughts on DC’s recent announcement to Restart everything with 52 number 1 issues! What will this mean for Green Lantern? For DC comics in general? Plus, listener voicemail dedicated to the restart! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #94 – Zero Hour!

Jim, Dan and Chad are joined by Adam Murdough from Comic Geek Speak and Murd’s Time Bubble to talk about 1994’s big summer crossover, Zero Hour! Listen in to get a recap and thoughts from a group of people who experienced this event in very different ways. Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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