
Archive for April, 2012

LanternCast – Episode #125 – March Books!

Hot off the heels of the February books we strike while the iron is cold and tackle the March books, Green Lantern 7, New Guardians 7, Red Lanterns 7 and Green Lantern Corps 7! I’m pretty sure we talked about some other stuff, so listen in to hear it! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #124 – February Books!

We finally tackle the February books, Green Lantern 6, New Guardians 6, Red Lanterns 6 and Green Lantern Corps 6! Also, some Marvel talk! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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The LanternCast Presents: Mosaic – The End!

It’s issue 17 and 18 together in this final installment, closing out Dan’s study of Green Lantern Mosaic. Come find out what it was all about, where it leaves the characters, and what became of John Stewart in the years between Mosaic and the present day. Please visit our site at

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LanternCast – Episode #123 – LanternCast Across The Multiverse!

The guys didn’t have a chance to record an actual episode this week, but luckily James stumbled onto some clips that mysteriously appeared on the server due to some sort of cross multiversal electrical accident. He tied them all together so you have something to listen to this week. Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Please visit our site at

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