
Archive for September, 2017

LanternCast Episode #296 – The Brave and the Boldish!

Mark and Chad take a break from regular issue reviews to discuss some good old fashion crossovers that took place in the Flash, Green Arrow and, of all places, Scooby-Doo Team-Up!  Nothing says “good times” like Hard-Traveling Heroes hanging out with Shaggy and Scooby!  The countdown to Episode #300 continues here! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!




LanternCast Episode #295 – Alien: Covenant Commentary Track!

And now for something completely different (and hopefully, interesting)! Mark and Corwin Crowl tackle Alien: Covenant in this full-length commentary track!  With any luck, they can determine which crew was stupider: the Prometheus or the Covenant.  There might not be Green Lantern references in this track, but we certainly do have tons of other franchises that get mentioned.  Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!




LanternCast Episode #294 – Green Lanterns #29-30!

Jessica and Simon remain “Out of Time” while Chad and Mark begin to run “Out of Patience” as they take on the events of Green Lanterns 29-30! The First Seven Green Lanterns continue to quickly dwindle in number as they finally go toe-to-toe with Volthoom! We also discuss the passing of Len Wein and some Twitter talk that really should have been in another episode, but ah well! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!




LanternCast Episode #293 – Game of Thrones, Season Seven Review!

Winter is HERE! Chad, Mark and Jim wrap up the 7th season of GOT in this special episode! Spoilers abound, as they discuss the winners and losers of the season, along with what we think this all means for the final six episodes to come! Be sure to email us or call our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN with your thoughts and comments!

Download the episode HERE!


LanternCast Episode #292 – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #26-27!

Chad and Mark return as they struggle to stay awake during the first two parts of the “Fall of the Gods” arc.  John and Guy bond, while Hal and Kyle get stuck dealing with Orion, who’s being hunted by some Celestial wanna-be!  Yes, it’s as good as it sounds.  We top off the episode with some “Defenders” talk and a bit of listener feedback!  Email your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!



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