Archive for May, 2020
Lanterncast Classics (With a Twist): Episode #32!
The LanternCast Classic Concept gets tweaked as we add a fresh beginning and closing, plus a commentary track to Episode 32! This classic episode features wall-to-wall Blackest Night coverage, including Blackest Night #4, and also features Mark’s first appearance, discussing the now sadly defunct Lantern Corps Wars Facebook game! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Lantern Corps War Game Discussion- 07:15
- Blackest Night Doom Patrol/Superman/Titans Talk- 27:32
- Green Lantern #47- 1:10:05
- Blackest Night #4- 1:37:30
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Presents: The Greatest Toy Podcast – Episode #5!
Jim and Mark return unexpectedly because of Chad’s health emergency, and discuss the Lego 2020 Project review! We also have time for some Baby Yoda Black Series talk! Get well soon, Chad! Give us some feedback by writing us at or leave us a voice mail at 708-LANTERN.
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Update on Chad’s Health-00:25
- Lego 2020 Project Review List- 06:15
- Black Series: Baby Yoda (The Child) 1:24:34
Download the episode HERE!

Chad on Injured Reserve
Chad’s in the hospital and out of action for an unknown period of time. I made a short recording to bring everyone up to date on how he’s doing and where we go from here – Mark.
LanternCast Episode #398 – The Green Lantern (Season Two) #3!
We begin with a toy collecting fiasco for Chad, brought on by the powers that be at Walgreens, before rolling into a much-less frustrating issue of The Green Lantern!! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Walgreens Funko Fiasco- 00:56
- JLMAY Promo- 32:11
- The Green Lantern (Season Two) #2- 35:15
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #397 – The Quarantine Episode!
What are we doing and thinking about during this long, national nightmare brought to us by COVID-19? Well, Jim and Mark bare all in a honest, sometimes funny, often times serious, episode! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Disney Theme Park Talk!- 00:55
- Sideshow/Spider-Gwen/Toys- 34:55
- What We’re Watching in Lock Down- 1:00:33
- Quarantine Thoughts- 1:21:35
Download the episode HERE!
Here’s the link to the New Power Battery Lamp discussed in this episode!