Archive for May, 2023
LanternCast Episode #518- Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3!
Dan and Mark give their thoughts on Guardians Volume 3 and the MCU in this spoiler-filled and fun episode! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
Dan’s YouTube Channel: Mosaic Comics

LanternCast Episode #517- Green Lantern #1!
Dan’s back just in time to help discuss the new Green Lantern ongoing book! It’s true! Not a dream, not an imaginary tale… we actually have a Green Lantern title again! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
Dan’s YouTube Channel: Mosaic Comics

LanternCast Episode #516 – JLMay 2023 Crossover – The Brave and The Bold #19-20 (2007)!
It’s JLMay time again, and this time the focus is on The Brave and the Bold series! Hal and the Phantom Stranger go planet hopping as they attempt to discover the truth behind an apocalyptic prophecy! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
Follow the Event with Participating Podcasts:
Resurrections An Adam Warlock & Thanos Podcast
Aquaman & Firestorm: The Fire & Water Podcast

LanternCast Episode #515- A Conversation with Phillip Kennedy Johnson!
Phillip Kennedy Johnson stops by to discuss his upcoming John Stewart back up stories and his John Stewart mini! And Mark accidentally creates a new social media platform! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!