Archive for the ‘Elseworlds’ Category
LanternCast Episode #592- Green Lantern Dark #3!
The “Bi-Monthly Releases Suck” Episode! More Weird and Wacky Adventures in the Tangent Universe is out first topic, before moving onto to McFarlane Action Figure Talk, Box Office Updates and What Has Mark Seen! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Green Lantern Dark #3- 00:49
- McFarlane Guy Gardner and News!- 22:50
- What Has Mark Seen: The Monkey/My Dead Friend Zoe/Mickey 17/In the Lost Lands!– 37:25
- Brave New World Box Office Update!– 43:05
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #585- Green Lantern Dark #2!
The Seasonal Allergies Episode! We dive back into the Tangent Universe as we discuss Green Lantern Dark #2! Then there’s a little What Has Mark Seen and the birth of a new segment (kinda sorta)! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Green Lantern Dark #2!- 00:49
- What Has Mark Seen (Den of Thieves 2, The Damned, Goosebumps: The Vanishing)!- 25:05
- The Hal Jordan/Parallax Song of the Year (2024)!- 26:21
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #577- Green Lantern Dark #1!
We have a new limited series Elseworlds Lantern book and it all begins here! How much of a tangent is this Tangent Lantern?! Then we have What Has Mark Seen and feedback! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Green Lantern Dark #1!- 00:56
- MCU News/What Has Mark Seen: Joker and Smile 2!- 30:00
- Listener Feedback!- 45:52
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds #8 – Superman: Last Son of Earth!
Well how about THAT? Jim and Chad are BACK with another episode of the ELSEWORLDS podcast! ABOUT TIME! So listen in as the guys talk about the AMAZING ‘Last Son of Earth’ storyline where Clark Kent is BORN on Earth and sent TO Krypton as a baby! WHAAAAA?! Yeah, it’s pretty darn awesome. Be sure to chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #7 – Green Lantern: Dragon Lord!
Knowing what lay before us, it took us almost a full year to work up the willpower to finally cover it, Green Lantern: Dragon Lord! Is it just as bad as the guys imagined it would be? Or are they just remembering it wrong? Listen in as we delve into the tale of a Green Lantern of Earth in 660 AD China! Leave us a voicemail at 708-LANTERN! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #6 – Red Son!
We take a look at Green Lantern’s role in the Elseworlds tale Red Son. Although primarily a Superman book, Green lantern does play an interesting part. Be forewarned though, with such a long hiatus, we’re a bit rusty. Forgive us as we transition back to being able to discuss things more better. Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #5 – Super Green Lantern Man!
One of our favorite issues, with one of our favorite covers, we discuss Superman 147, the issue that answers the question of what would it be like if Superman had landed on Oa instead of Earth! Then we finish off the episode with a look at a backup tale from Superman 257 that first introduced the idea of Superman as a Green Lantern! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #4 – Evil’s Might!
What happens when you cross Green Lantern with Gangs of New York? You get a 3 issue prestige format Elseworlds tale that has more than a few twists and turns. Co-written by Howard Chaykin, how did it turn out? Tune in to listen! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #3 – Green Lantern Annual 3!
Jim Ford and Chad Bokelman tackle their toughest challenge yet, a bad Elseworlds! What if Hal and Guy were Nazis, John was a rebel and characters did things for no apparent reason? Find out in this episode! Then after the break the guys discuss a bunch of topics that come to mind, some even having to do with Green Lantern! Edited by the Epic LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at
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LanternCast Presents: Elseworlds! #2 – 1001 Emerald Nights!
Jim Ford and Chad Bokelman are back to discuss the Elseworld’s book 1001 Emerald Nights, a merging of Arabian Nights and Green Lantern lore. Plus, we have some feedback from the first episode! Edited by the NEW LanternCast Producer, James Doyle! Music by Unkast! Please visit our site at
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