Archive for the ‘GL/GA’ Category
LanternCast Episode #583- Green Lantern/Green Arrow World’s Finest Special #1!
The Holiday Episode! It’s an untold tale of the Hard Travelin‘ Heroes era as Hal and Ollie take on Deathstroke for the first time, before Hal and Barry team up to do the same! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
New Green Lantern Hal Jordan GITD Funko Pop Pre-Order (EE)
New Green Lantern Hal Jordan GITD Funko Pop Pre-Order (Big Bad)

LanternCast Episode #365 – The Green Lantern #8!
It may not be “Hard Traveling Heroes,” but it’s still Green Lantern and Green Arrow together again! Hal and Ollie square off with aliens, space junkies and Xeen Arrow/Xeen Lantern! WHAT?! Yep, be prepared to be entertained! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #337 – Green Lantern #47!
We continue our look back to issues past, as we cover Green Lantern #47 (Volume Three)! Yes, this is that “great” Green Lantern/Green Arrow team up after Coast City blew up and before Hal went nuts! It doesn’t seem like a natural fit, does it? Just wait: it gets worse! We also talk some comic news and give our thoughts on the new “Creed II” trailer! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #14
In this VERY special episode, Chad is joined by fellow podcaster Ryan Daly, and LanternCast co-host Mark Marble! The guys join forces to talk about perhaps THE single most important two issues in Green Lantern history, if not DC Comics history. The HISTORIC ‘Snowbirds Don’t Fly’ arc from Green Lantern #85 & #86. Speedy is on heroin and Green Arrow explodes (not the mention the Comics Code Authority)! Please leave a voicemail at 708-LANTERN!
CLICK HERE to read the Original 1954 Comics Code!
Intro Clip from ‘Fatman on Batman Episode #61’!
Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #13
Chad returns with yet another episode featuring the HISTORIC Green Lantern and Green Arrow run from creators Denny O’Neil and Neal Adams! In this issue Hal encounters government corruption and environmental issues! Also featuring the return of Black Hand and appearances by Carol Ferris, Oliver Queen, and ‘Pretty Bird’ herself Dinah Lance! Listen in and see how it all ties in! Please leave a voicemail at 708-LANTERN!
CLICK HERE to read the Original 1954 Comics Code!
CLICK HERE to view the Earth Day 1970 CBS Broadcast!
Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #12
Chad is BACK on the proverbial horse as he returns with another episode featuring the HISTORIC Green Lantern and Green Arrow run from creators Denny O’Neil and Neal Adams! In this issue Hal, Ollie, and Dinah take on the caricatures of Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon! Also featuring the return of Carol Ferris! Telepathy, creepy children, Hitchcock references galore! Listen in and see how it all ties in! Please leave a voicemail at 708-LANTERN!
Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #11
Chad returns with another episode featuring the historic Green Lantern/Green Arrow run from legendary creators Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams! This time around we’re talking Harpies, Gorgons, Amazons, Wizards, Aliens, and other dimensions! The common thread? Feminism! Yeah, we’re confused too. Listen in! Please leave a voicemail at 708-LANTERN!
Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #10
We reach the episode numbering double digits as Chad covers issue #81 of the HISTORIC Green Lantern and Green Arrow series from the 1970’s! What do overpopulation, a book called ‘The Population Bomb’, and a Doctor named Paul Ehrlich have to do with anything? Listen in and find out! Please leave a voicemail at 708-LANTERN!
Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #9
Chad continues his retrospective look into the historic GL/GA series of the 1970’s by tackling issue #80! This time around the social commentary is environmental in nature (ha, PUNS!) so hold onto your butts, we’re going full tree hugger! Also, Chad takes some time to highlight the VERY FIRST letters column featuring a glimpse into “real time” fan perspective of this amazing title! Please leave a voicemail at 708-LANTERN!
Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #8
With Charles Manson safely in the rearview mirror, Chad moves forward to issue 79! This time around Denny and Neal tackle the Native American Civil Rights movement of the 1970s. Why was this a big deal? How was it handled in comic form? Was it any good? TUNE IN! Please leave a voicemail at 708-LANTERN!
Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Download the episode HERE!