Posts Tagged ‘Creed II’
LanternCast Episode #510 – Creed III!
The Fire & Water Podcast Network‘s Ryan Daly returns as he and Mark discuss Michael B. Jordan’s directorial debut, otherwise known as “Creed III”! Is it good? Where does it rank in the Rocky/Creed franchise? Take a listen and find out! SPOILERS AHEAD! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #356 -Creed II Commentary Track!
Mark is joined by The Fire & Water Podcast Network‘s Ryan Daly to wax poetic about Creed II in the latest Lanterncast commentary track! Should Michael B. Jordan be John Stewart? There had to be some Green Lantern talk in the episode, so that possibility is discussed! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #344 – Creed II!
An unexpected episode arrives as Mark is joined by The Fire & Water Podcast Network‘s Ryan Daly to breakdown Creed II and its place in the entire Rocky saga! There’s a great deal of meat on the bone here if you loved Creed or just consider yourself a fan of the franchise! Yes, there be spoilers ahead!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Episode #337 – Green Lantern #47!
We continue our look back to issues past, as we cover Green Lantern #47 (Volume Three)! Yes, this is that “great” Green Lantern/Green Arrow team up after Coast City blew up and before Hal went nuts! It doesn’t seem like a natural fit, does it? Just wait: it gets worse! We also talk some comic news and give our thoughts on the new “Creed II” trailer! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!