
Posts Tagged ‘MCU’

LanternCast Episode #455 – What If…?!

Chad and Mark look back on the 1st season of the Disney+ What If…? series with a spoiler filled discussion! Don’t expect the boys to see eye to eye on this one! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #444 – Black Widow!

Dan and Mark have a spoiler filled, open discussion and review of “Black Widow,” as well as giving thoughts on the current and future state of the MCU! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

Dan’s YouTube Channel: Mosaic Comics

LanternCast Episode #427 – WandaVision!

The first MCU show on Disney+ is complete and we’re here to talk about it! What did you think about WandaVision and what it means for the future of the MCU? Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #419 – The Green Lantern (Season Two) #9 and Disney Investor News!

Jim returns to join Chad and Mark as they suck it up and discuss The Green Lantern (Season Two) #9, before talking about all the MCU and Star Wars announcements from the Disney Investors Meeting! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Time Stamps for this Episode!

  • Intro/The Green Lantern #9- 00:56
  • Disney MCU News!- 47:24
  • Disney Star Wars News!- 1:14:55

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #381 – Far Sector #1 and Tales From the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night!

Chad and Mark return with a vengeance to cover Far Sector #1 and Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1! Before we get into the reviews however, we discuss the latest news from the MCU, the Black Adam movie and some controversial statements made by Elizabeth Banks regarding the latest reboot of Charlie’s Angels! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Time Stamps for this Episode!

  • Intro/Black Adam/MCU talk- 00:56
  • Elizabeth Banks/Charlie’s Angels- 16:00
  • Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night- 43:15
  • Far Sector #1- 1:08:10

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #376 – The Green Lantern #12!

It’s Hal vs. the Qwa-Man as Grant Morrison’s first year on The Green Lantern wraps up! Controller Mu’s master plan is revealed and we get to spend some time with Sinestro (or at least A Sinestro). There’s also listener feedback, Spidey MCU talk and a review of the Harley/Birds of Prey trailer! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Time Stamps for this Episode!

  • Intro/Listener Feedback- 00:56
  • The Green Lantern #12 16:48
  • Spidey Back in the MCU!- 51:00
  • Harley/Birds of Prey Trailer- 01:09:28

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #369 – San Diego Comic Con 2019!

Chad and Mark discuss all things SDCC in this over-sized episode!  We talk about some of the bigger comic related announcements, The CW’s big plans for the upcoming season, general TV and Movie news and wrap it up with a breakdown of the MCU’s agenda for the next two years (and beyond)! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN

 Time Stamps for this Episode!

  • Intro/Comic News- 00:56
  • The CW- 47:50
  • General Movie/TV News- 1:07.40
  • The MCU 1:32.00

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #367 – Spider-Man: Far from Home!

Chad and Mark review the final chapter of the MCU’s Phase 3 as we breakdown Spider-Man: Far from Home! It’s all about legacy, as Peter struggles to adjust to an Iron-Man-less world and what his role in that world is. There be SPOILERS ahead, so ye have been warned! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #359 – Avengers: Endgame!

Chad and Mark are in the Endgame now as they breakdown the movie event of the decade as Avengers: Endgame completes the MCU’s “Infinity Saga”! Did this final chapter deliver? What did we like and not like? And HOW much money is this thing actually going to make before its done?? We also begin the episode with listener feedback, just in case you aren’t interested in the movie discussion or want to remain SPOILER free a bit longer. Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #353 – Captain Marvel!

Chad and Mark jump into the reviews, the controversy, the box office and their overall thoughts on the latest MCU entry: Captain Marvel! Does Brie Larson deliver? Does this help or hurt the momentum for Avengers: Endgame? Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

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