Archive for February, 2014
LanternCast Presents – Green Lantern-Green Arrow #3
In this episode, Chad enlists the help of Carol Tilley of the University of Illinois to discuss her recent findings regarding Frederic Werthams misleading research. Tune in and learn yourself some comics history! Music – ‘Everything Has Its Point’ by Rival Schools.
Check out Carol’s website HERE!
Follow Carol on TWITTER!
Find her paper on Wertham HERE!
A Farewell from Ireland…
After Three and a half Lantern-filled years, and a hell of a lot of episodes, my time as the Lanterncast’s producer is coming to an end. I’ve enjoyed working on the show these last few years, and the people I’ve gotten to know through the show have all been an awesome group.
I wanna say thanks to Jim and Dan for giving me the opportunity to lend a hand with the show and I also want to wish Chad and Mark all the best with the new generation of the show
Thanks everybody! – James
LanternCast Episode #174 – Red Lanterns 21-23!
With blood and rage of crimson red, did these issues purge the first twenty from our heads? Listen in as we discuss the first three issues from the NEW Red Lanterns creative team Charles Soule and Alessandro Vitti! Is it better or WORSE than the prior run? We tell you! Edited by our EPIC producer James Doyle!
Download the episode here:
Product of the Week: Green Lantern: The Animated Series Saint Walker Maquette
Before I go any further, I have to admit something. I love Saint Walker. Love, love, love… Saint Walker. Since the introduction of the emotional spectrum and the multi-colored lantern corps, perhaps no character’s light has shined any brighter than Bro’Dee “Saint” Walker. As the first Blue Lantern, he established himself quickly as one of the most noble and admirable lanterns in the entire Green Lantern mythos.
His appearances in the first season of Green Lantern: The Animated Series only served to reinforce that view as Saint Walker projected wisdom, hope and selflessness. His teaming with Kilowog (and Mogo) to defeat the Red Lantern invasion was the highlight of the series so far to me.
After releasing statues of Hal Jordan and Atrocitus from the animated show previously, it was no surprise that Saint Walker would be the next in the series to see the light of the day (pun fully intended). While the Hal Jordan sculpt was not bad (and the Atrocitus one was almost all bad), the Saint Walker is the Goldilocks of the collection- It’s just right. It perfectly captures his gentle lean look while still delivering an action pose. Light blue energy surrounds his feet and helps connect the figure to the base. Assembling the statue was a snap: Walker slides into the base with ease so there is very little chance of damaging either the figure or the base.
With so much right about this piece, it breaks my heart to report the one bad- the Blue Lantern symbol on his chest is upside down. Yes, just like how DC made the same mistake on the Saint Walker bust from the “Heroes of the DC Universe (Blackest Night)” series.
I don’t get why DC can’t get the symbol right. I really don’t. While I personally prefer to always see the Blue Lantern symbol with the “angel wings” connected to the lantern, if it’s so hard to reproduce, just do the version where the wings don’t connect to the lantern. At least it can’t ever be upside down that way.
Despite this flaw, I still recommend this piece to any fellow Saint Walker or Green Lantern fan. It retails for around $124.99, but it is available at a discount at Big Bad Toy Store for $89.99 and at DC Shop Entertainment for the amazing price of $59.99
I still have faith we’ll eventually get a Saint Walker statue without any symbol screw-ups. I still have hope that “All will be well.”
– Mark J Marble