
Archive for May, 2015

LanternCast Episode #220 – The Collaborative Conway Crossover Caper!

Gerry Conway and the concern surrounding creator equity in comics have recently been in the news. So to show our support of the comics creator community, the LanternCast joined up with several other podcasters and bloggers to celebrate Gerry Conways contribution to our hobby! We here at the LanternCast put our own unique stamp on it by covering two great issues written by the man himself! What did we think? How much do we enjoy Conways take on Green Lantern? What do crazy crabs have to do with anything? Listen in and find out! Be sure to chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!


Who created Caitlin Snow on #TheFlash? According to @DCComics, nobody

Two out of three of these characters were created by no one, according to DC Entertainment.

Is Felicity Smoak on #Arrow worth more than Caitlin Snow on #TheFlash?

A public apology to Geoff Johns, Dan DiDio, Jim Lee, and Larry Ganem.


Fire & Water Podcast

Flowers & Fishnets


From Kid to Flash

The Hammer Podcasts!

Quarter Bin Podcast

Between the Pages BLOG

King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun

Vault of Startling Monster Horror Tales of Terror

Pop Culture Affidavit

Comic Book Time Machine

Task Force X

Head Speaks

Hey Kids, Comics!

Back to the Bins

Superman Forever Radio


The Mother of Drag-Ons: The NYCC Ticket Buying Experience

When you play the “Game of New York Comic Con Tickets,” you may win and still die from the time and energy exerted. Let Mark fill you in on what you missed if you didn’t experience the madness that occurred on 5/13/15 or even if you did, re-live the adventure!

LanternCast Episode #219 – SPOILER FILLED Age of Ultron Movie Discussion!

The follow up sequel to one of the biggest movies of all time has released and, surprise surprise, the guys have some thoughts on it! So, rather than squeeze it in to a regular episode and potentially spoiling the listeners, we devoted a WHOLE EPISODE to it! So what did Mark end up thinking about the Vision? According to Thor-fan Chad, who is and is not worthy to wield Mjolnir and when? What were the best moments? Well, listen in and we’ll fill you in! Be sure to chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

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LanternCast Episode #218 – March Books!

The guys FINALLY return to regular issue reviews and it seems it’s JUST in the nick of time! Green Lantern Corps, Red Lanterns, and New Guardians are all on their way out and things are changing for Green Lantern and Sinestro. So what did Mark and Chad think? Well, listen in an find out! Be sure to chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Download the episode HERE!

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