Posts Tagged ‘NYCC’
LanternCast Presents: The Greatest Toy Podcast – Episode #6!
Jim and Mark return to discuss Mandalorian Toys, Lego news and the usual round up of Funko exclusives and collector’s boxes! Give us some feedback by writing us at or leave us a voice mail at 708-LANTERN.
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Star Wars Toys-00:24
- Lego News- 26:30
- Funko Mania- 1:05:45
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #377 – Joker and NYCC Talk!
This episode is jammed pack, but it all begins with our thoughts on Joaquin Phoenix’s turn as the Joker! We jump to NYCC news, including some new GL statues on the way, before ending with some Ryan Reynolds/Taika Waititi hijinks! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Joker- 00:56
- NYCC– 43:28
- Miscellaneous Goodness- 01:35:57
- Ryan Reynolds/Taika Waititi- 01:56:15
Download the episode HERE!

The Mother of Drag-Ons: The NYCC Ticket Buying Experience
When you play the “Game of New York Comic Con Tickets,” you may win and still die from the time and energy exerted. Let Mark fill you in on what you missed if you didn’t experience the madness that occurred on 5/13/15 or even if you did, re-live the adventure!
LanternCast Episode #168 – NYCC 2013 Recap and a Random Issue Review!
Babys first con! Dan abandons Jim! Incredibly boring facial hair story! Dan’s AMAZING gatekeeper droid impersonation! Then the guys review Green Lantern #81 from the Kyle Rayner run. Yeah. Hal’s funeral. Blame Chad. We do. Edited by our EPIC producer James Doyle! Please visit our site at
Download the episode here:
LanternCast Episode #167 – It’s Almost NYCC!
New York Comic Con is just days away, and we wanted to remind folks we are in fact still alive and will be roaming around…but just on Friday. We catch up on a few other things, including 3-D covers and more. Perfect for listening to on your way to a big convention! Edited by our EPIC producer James Doyle!
Download the episode here: