Archive for the ‘Product Review’ Category
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #26!
Ok, so it’s not really a ring, but it’s still pretty cool! I picked this up when Big Bad Toy Store was running a big sale on this, and I had it shipped a few weeks ago. It’s still on sale for a good price, so I’m including the link below. Let’s see who’s worthy!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #25!
We’re back from the dead, but not quite with a Black Lantern ring (though maybe Black Zirconium counts?), as we do a quick walk through on Manly Bands Green Lantern ring from their DC Collection.
Remember to use your Lanterncast30 discount through 2/29/24 to save 30% off any ring from the DC Collection.
LanternCast Episode #543- Manly Bands!
Mark and Chad review and discuss the Manly Bands Green Lantern ring, along with talk about their entire DC collection and many other cool items they have available. As our new sponsor, they are providing all listeners with a 30% discount on any rings in their DC collection when using our LanternCast discount code until the end of February! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Chad’s State of the Sponsorship Address!- 00:55
- Manly Bands Product Review and Discussion!- 16:45
Download the episode HERE!
Manly Bands DC Collection– Use the code LANTERNCAST30 at checkout!

LanternCast Presents: The Greatest Toy Podcast – Episode #7: 2022 in Review! (A World Without a Bokelman: Part Three)
Two years in the making, Jim and Mark return to discuss the very best of 2022 in toys and collectibles! It was a big year for GL toys too! Funkos! McFarlane! Designer Toys! And more!! Plus, Chad speaks, giving us an update on his job prospects! Give us some feedback by writing us at or leave us a voice mail or text at 708-LANTERN.
Download the episode HERE!

Parallax View(s): The Tale of Three Hal Jordans!
Let’s compare and contrast the three major Hal Jordan Parallax Figures we’ve gotten up to this point! We’ll be looking at the McFarlane Gold Label Emerald Twilight Parallax, the DC Direct/GL Rebirth Parallax and the old school Total Justice Emerald Twilight Parallax!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #24!
It seems like ages, because it has, but we’re back with another episode! This one discusses the 2022 Kyle Rayner Sterling Silver Ring from Underworld & Beyond! There are plenty of options with this ring, I chose Option 4, but I’ve included the link to check out all the others!
LanternCast Episode #440 – Justice League: Last Ride #2!
Chad and Mark return to discuss Justice League: Last Ride #2, before Chad discusses his shopping exploits on the West Coast and we wrap up with some feedback and a discussion of the Godzilla vs. Kong art book! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Justice League: Last Ride #2!- 00:56
- Chad Goes West!- 19:17
- When is a non-spoiler a spoiler? Spiral Listener Feedback!- 46:56
- Godzilla vs. Kong: One Will Fall: The Art of the Ultimate Battle Royale/Adam Wingard Discussion (Yes, spoilers)!- 59:00
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCastVIDS Presents: “TRADING CARDS – Unboxing 1991 Impel DC Cosmic Cards (SEALED)”
In a fit of half boredom and half retail therapy, Chad opted to buy a few SEALED trading card packs online, the first of THREE purchases is here to be unboxed and it’s twenty nine years old…but still fresh (cause that’s what sealed means)!
12 cards a pack, 36 packs in total, 180 cards to collect (and 10 holographic cards to discover as you go)! It’s a longer video, but it makes sense…because it’s Chad “Long-Winded” Bokelman after all…
LanternCast Episode #404 – Green Lantern: 80 Years of the Emerald Knight!
Chad and Mark return to breakdown and discuss the new Green Lantern: 80 Years of the Emerald Knight hardcover collection! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/New Green Lantern Power Battery Review!- 00:56
- Green Lantern: 80 Years of the Emerald Knight!- 18:35
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #403 – Bracketology: Favorite GL Collectible?!
Jim, Dan and Mark gather to determine what is their favorite GL Collectible from a list of worthy contenders! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
Jim’s New Podcast: 4 Brothers Bracket Podcast
Dan’s YouTube Channel: Mosaic Comics