Archive for the ‘Product Review’ Category
LanternCast Episode #402 – Code 8 and Alan Scott Merchandise!
Chad and Mark discuss “Code 8,” the streaming feature starring Robbie and Stephen Amell! The topic turns then to Alan Scott, and there are some cool gifts to discuss, before we wrap up with Listener Feedback! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/Code 8- 00:56
- Alan Scott Treasure Trove- 35:10
- Listener Feedback- 53:50
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Presents: The Greatest Toy Podcast – Episode #4!
Jim and Mark return to discuss Toyfair 2020 and other newly announced collectibles! Give us some feedback by writing us at or leave us a voice mail at 708-LANTERN.
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/General Toy News-00:34
- Flash Gordon/Defenders of the Earth- 11:00
- Trick or Treat Studios’ Michael Myers- 19:50
- Mezco- 30:35
- Star Wars- 46:15
- TMNT- 1:04:08
- Funko Pops- 1:06:58
- Ghostbusters- 1:11:15
- Best of the Rest!- 1:13:30
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCast Episode #393 – The Green Lantern (Season Two) #2!
This episode has it all: Funko talk, MCU speculation, COVID-19 and last, and definitely least, one less-than-thrilling issue of The Green Lantern!! Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Time Stamps for this Episode!
- Intro/MCU Delays/Speculation- 00:56
- Toys! Glorious Toys!- 43:40
- The Green Lantern (Season Two) #2- 1:27:04
- Chad’s Rant on The Green Lantern (Season Two) #2- 1:35:18
Download the episode HERE!

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #23!
This episode highlights all the wearable rings that I’ve purchased, as of now, from Underworld & Beyond! It is an ever-growing list, so this video will assuredly merit a sequel one day!
Check out the link below to see what rings are currently available for order!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: “VENOM – Unboxing Marvel Collector Corps”!
Sony’s first entry into their new Spider-Man villains Universe is HERE as Venom hits theaters! So in celebration Chad decided to order the Funko Marvel Collector Corps subscription box with it’s all Venom theme! Check out the episode below!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #21!
We look at the Universal Ring as imagined by Underworld and Beyond, along with a cool, one of a kind ring we were able to win in a giveaway from UAB too! Check out the episode below!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #20!
This time, we examine the expensive but cool snakeskin style rings over at! The entire spectrum is at your disposal currently (as long as you don’t want White, that is). Check out the episode below!
LanternCast Presents: The Greatest Toy Podcast – Episode #1!
We’re back! The Greatest Toy Podcast has been reborn, and we’re here to discuss the latest episodes of the Netflix show “The Toys That Made Us”! Jim and Mark also take some time to reflect upon the legacy of Toys R Us as their slow demise continues! All that and more!
Give us some feedback at or leave us a voice mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #19!
Yes, your eyes and ears do not deceive you. We’re back! And to get back on the horse, we take a brief look at some of the old school power batteries, including the sadly not full scale Kyle Rayner one!
LanternCast Presents: The Greatest Toy Podcast- The Final Episodes!
Thanks to some technical issues, the roll out of the final two episodes of Jim and Mark’s The Greatest Toy Podcast has been in limbo… UNTIL NOW! The massive two-part 2016 Toy Year in Review is now available, and the boys decide after a NCAA tournament-like contest, what was the best toy of 2016!
Give us some feedback at or leave us a voice mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download episode 36 HERE!
Download episode 37 HERE!