Archive for the ‘Ringcyclopedia’ Category
LanternCastVIDS Presents: More Parallax Views!
The 3-D Printed MocDan Parallax statue, painted, in 1/8th scale. This was made by Rangrez (or Rangrez5) and painted, I will include links to his various platforms below.
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #26!
Ok, so it’s not really a ring, but it’s still pretty cool! I picked this up when Big Bad Toy Store was running a big sale on this, and I had it shipped a few weeks ago. It’s still on sale for a good price, so I’m including the link below. Let’s see who’s worthy!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #25!
We’re back from the dead, but not quite with a Black Lantern ring (though maybe Black Zirconium counts?), as we do a quick walk through on Manly Bands Green Lantern ring from their DC Collection.
Remember to use your Lanterncast30 discount through 2/29/24 to save 30% off any ring from the DC Collection.
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #24!
It seems like ages, because it has, but we’re back with another episode! This one discusses the 2022 Kyle Rayner Sterling Silver Ring from Underworld & Beyond! There are plenty of options with this ring, I chose Option 4, but I’ve included the link to check out all the others!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #23!
This episode highlights all the wearable rings that I’ve purchased, as of now, from Underworld & Beyond! It is an ever-growing list, so this video will assuredly merit a sequel one day!
Check out the link below to see what rings are currently available for order!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #22!
Besides celebrating Independence Day, let’s take a few moments to appreciate the many power batteries that DC has made available to us over these many years!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #21!
We look at the Universal Ring as imagined by Underworld and Beyond, along with a cool, one of a kind ring we were able to win in a giveaway from UAB too! Check out the episode below!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #20!
This time, we examine the expensive but cool snakeskin style rings over at! The entire spectrum is at your disposal currently (as long as you don’t want White, that is). Check out the episode below!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #19!
Yes, your eyes and ears do not deceive you. We’re back! And to get back on the horse, we take a brief look at some of the old school power batteries, including the sadly not full scale Kyle Rayner one!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #18!
What to get the Sinestro Corps fan in your life? Maybe this expensive and currently hard to find Prop Replica! This was one of the first of the new Battery Replicas and as we wrap up the reviews, it’s time to ring in the New Year with Fear!