
Posts Tagged ‘Circle of Fire’

LanternCast Episode #519- Circle of Fire #1 & GL/Firestorm #1 (GLJune)!

The Inaugural GLJune event BEGINS HERE, as Mark and Chad dive into the “Circle of Fire” Kyle Rayner mini-event from 2000! We cover Circle of Fire #1 and the first of many one shots, the Green Lantern/Firestorm #1! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Time Stamps for this Episode!

  • Intro/The Premise!- 00:49
  • Circle of Fire #1!- 09:50
  • Green Lantern/Firestorm #1!– 43:22

Download the episode HERE!

Emerald Echo GL June Episode

Podcast of Oa GL June Episode

Dan’s GL June Conclusion!

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