Posts Tagged ‘Darkstars’
LanternCast Episode #399 – Dan Kurtzke Returns!
Original co-host Dan Kurtzke returns to join Mark in a free-flowing discussion on all things Green Lantern! Sinestro and the Sinestro Corps is the tie that binds the conversation, but… it goes in so many different directions, time stamps would be either be pointless or longer than War and Peace. Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
The Reign of the 399s is Upon Us!
Download the episode HERE!
Dan’s YouTube Channel: Mosaic Comics
Jim’s New Podcast: 4 Brothers Bracket Podcast

LanternCast Episode #331 – An Exclusive Conversation With Robert Venditti!
We bid farewell to Robert Venditti and his time writing Green Lantern titles in grand fashion with a special hour-long interview with the man himself! Robert discusses his entire run (2013-2018), with a special focus on “Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps.”
While that would normally be enough… wait, there’s more! We also start with a review of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #50 before engaging in a Robert Venditti retrospective after the interview! This episode is a keeper, folks!
Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
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LanternCast Episode #330 – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #47-49!
“Darkstars Rising” nears its epic conclusion as we cover Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #47-49! John Stewart’s grand plan becomes clear as Tomar-Tu learns not to challenge the will of Hal Jordan! We also have time to discuss the all-new “Venom trailer! This one’s for you, Chad!
Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Episode #323 – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #42-44!
Chad and Mark start their coverage of Robert Venditti’s farewell arc as “Darkstars Rising” begins in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #42-44! We also give our thoughts on Deadpool 2 and the box office failure that is Solo: A Star Wars Story!
Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Episode #318 – Famous Firsts: Supernatural Firsts!
After a few minutes of sharing more Robert Venditti-related Green Lantern news, Chad and Mark recap and review some of each other’s first forays into the world of comics! Werewolf by Night 22-23 and Marvel Chillers 1-2 are the books up for discussion this time! And while chosen at random, these two titles have a great many things in common!
Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCast Episode #308 – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #33-36!
The “Twilight of the Guardians” is upon us as Chad and Mark share their thoughts on this arc from Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #33-36! We finally find out what happened to the Templar Guardians, revisit some ancient enemies and even have some natural way to talk about Ric Flair in the Green Lantern mythos! WHAT?!
We also have some big news regarding our first true podcasting crossover and we want YOU to help with it! Intrigued? Just listen to the episode: It’s pretty good!
Be sure to email us your thoughts or chime in on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!
Download the episode HERE!
The Darkstars: Issue #7 Review by Jim Remolde!
“Fall From Grace!” was cover dated April, 1993 and released March 2, 1993 (Mike’s Amazing World of DC Comics). The issue was written by Michael Jan Friedman. Travis Charest pencilled pages 1-20 while Jim Balent did breakdowns for pages 21-24, and those pages were finished by Scott Hanna. The Inkers were Scott Hanna and John Lowe. The letterer was Bob Pinaha and the colorist was Tom McCraw. Ruben Diaz was the assistant editor and the editor was Brian Augustyn.
We open on an alien planet. The ruler and his underling, Skamich are discussing the security systems. The systems are set up to prevent anyone from entering the palace after all the ruler’s life is at stake. The ruler laments that he treated Torquin no differently from his other conquered people’s. Apparently he created resentment by destroying some relics and staged some public executions. Nothing to get overly excited about. Skamich believes that the destruction of the procreation facility turned the public opinion in the quadrant against the leader. An assassin now has been hired to kill the ruler.
Back over Earth. The slave ship is making a return landing. Colos is at the controls with a wounded Douglas, Hawkman and Carla all on the bridge. The alien pilot is being held captive as he tried to set the self destruct sequence and Colos would rather he a novice pilot bring the ship in instead of a suicidal pilot. They successfully land after a sizable jolt and Hawkman and Colos shake hands and maybe they may cross paths again. I personally hope so.
Back in the alien palace, the assassin has gained access by breaching the shields. The intruder is able to elude the sensors as well as the defensive measures set up and crashes into the throne room. The guards rush in.
On Earth, Colos and Douglas marvel at Hawkman. They see him find Hawkgirl and embrace. It seems that the two are more than partners. Colos turns his attention to Flint. Flint disobeyed Colos’s orders twice. Carla interrupts Colos. She wants to thank Colos and then offers her help. Colos starts to decline then asks if she has any space she is not using. Carla thinks that he is referring to outer space but Douglas clarifies that Colos is looking for office space since their “headquarters” is “out of town”. She gives the Darkstars a card and asks them to call her later, she may have the space they need.
In Flint’s apartment, Flint is grumbling. He feels he blew the mission and he does not know that the others are back on the planet. Unfortunately he has started drinking again. His self pity party is interrupted by an angry Colos on Flint’s communicator. Colos tells Flint to stay put and he will find him as they need to talk. Flint throws the can and we see that it is a soda can not a beer can.
The guards open fire on the assassin. It appears that he was vaporized but Skamich is not so sure. It is strange that he escaped all the defense systems but was destroyed by a simple pulse barrage. The assassin is not dead after all. He takes out the guards leaving only Skamich and his King.
On Earth, Carla and Douglas are in the new Darkstar planet side office. The guy who developed the place owes Carla a favor so it is rent free to the Darkstars. There is not a high demand for office space in Dallas as the supply is too high. Carla told the developer that the group is a not-for-profit operation that could not afford a place. Douglas says that the back story is perfect. The place is large enough for all of their equipment and a couple of cots. Douglas and Colos, both homeless can sleep there. Douglas is musing that he is going up in the world.
The assassin continues his assault. The only thing standing between him and the despot is Skamich. Skamich is willing to try but he is killed for his bravery. The assassin grabs the liege-lord. The assassin identifies himself as K’lassh. This is the last time we see this liege.
Colos meets Flint who has changed out of his Darkstar uniform. He figures that Colos is there to fire him, which he is. Colos does admit that this is not easy. Flint does say that he is a maverick like Colos and he thinks that he might have made a better Darkstar than a deputy. Colos thinks that Flint is right and takes off with the uniform. While he leaves he thinks that he has not seen the last of John Flint.
Elsewhere the remaining alien drug cartel assemble with their human allies. They are discussing what to do about Darkstar. Twice he had interfered with their profitable operations and that has to stop. How are they going to stand up to a being they believe is as powerful as Superman. Mister Daniiki, the green alien with stringy black hair speaks up. He is surprised that the Darkstars are now patrolling Earth But he has an idea. In the past he has found one counter measure effective. Daniiki pushes a teleported and we see K’lassh appear.
This issue was basically an epilogue issue. The heroes all return to earth safely and the Hawks are briefly reunited before they fly off. Colos fires Flint. Douglas and Colos with Carla’s help start to set up a planet side base of operations. The villains lick their wounds and bring in a new weapon, the assassin K’lassh.
The side plot of the liege was effective here as it’s showed the power of K’lassh which is what you want to see in comics, not just telling how good he is in exposition. As a matter of fact, we do not get any exposition here, we only see how good this assassin is and it makes me want to see him go up against Colos.
I like that we continue to see Carla White. I expect that since Flint was fired, she may become the new second deputy.
I give this issue a 4.5 out of 5 power rings. We do get a brief mention of the Green Lanterns when Hawkman says that Earth is protected by them and they say that they are the only intergalactic police force. Colos says that they think so and that is all we get about a rivalry of the Darkstars to the Green Lantern Corp in this issue.
The Darkstars: Issue #6 Review by Jim Remolde!
Issue Six of Darkstars was cover dated March 1993. According to Mike’s Amazing World of DC Comics, the issue was released on February 2, 1993, Groundhog’s Day. Michael Jan Friedman was the writer with Travis Charest pencilling, inked by Scott Hanna. Bob Pinhaha was the lettered and Eric Kachelhofer was the colorist. Finally kickin’ butt and making change was Brian Augustyn, leaving Ruben Diaz getting’ his butt kicked and changing stuff.
Colos and Mo Douglas are streaking to Flint’s location. Colos is swearing that if Pappas haven’t already taken Flint apart, then he will do it himself. Mo calls Colos out on his bitterness, saying that he can do anything he wants. Colos just laughs at this suggestion saying that all he is good for is a little razzle dazzle, in reality he is as useless as anybody else. Colos admits that something bad happened.
Colos now goes into his backstory. He became a Darkstar because he saw Zamba, his home world destroyed by Qinorri Raiders. The Qinorri were strip miners and they were after a mineral under Zamba’s crust. As a result of the Qinorri mining, the planet was destroyed by earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions. The Zambians who were a non space faring and peaceful race had no defenses. Colos was one of the very few survivors. Days after the Qinorri destruction, a stranger fell out of the sky. His name was Radz and he offered Colos a way to strike back. Radz was a Darkstar and Colos joined the organization. He rose in the ranks and found his own personal healing in being a Darkstar. Then came Jenuwyne. It was a world like Zamba, peaceful and naïve and it was in Colos’s sector and therefore his responsibility. Jenuwyne was attacked by raiders more savage than the Qinorri. Colos failed to stop the raiders and Jenuwyne was destroyed, killing all the natives. Colos ends his story to focus on the present.
In the present, Hawkgirl and Hawkman are still fighting the alien slavers. Carter sees that the hatch to the ship is still open and flies strait to it. He enters the ship just as the hatch closes leaving Hawkgirl outside the ship and Hawkman alone on the ship.
Hawkman recounts how they became involved with this slave ring. Carter and Shiera (Hawkgirl) were enjoying a night listening to Shiera’s favorite nightclub singer. But after the performance the singer was attacked by the alien slavers in her dressing room. Carter and Shiera discovered the Immanites attacking the singer when they went back to meet her after her performance. The two were able to beat the Immanites and rescued the girl. The Immanites are well renowned slave traders and after Carter’s form of persuasion, they found the base in Dallas. The two went into action as Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Now Carter finds himself alone in a ship filled with captive humans and alien slavers that is taking off.
Colos and Mo arrive just as the ship crashes through the warehouse. Colos recognizes the ship as a slaver. Colos blasts his way into the ship and he and Mo enter. Colos notices a problem, the section they busted into should have been guarded and it isn’t. He soon finds the guards and they are fighting a Thanagarian (Hawkman). Colos and Mo not understanding why a Thanagarian is involved move in to help Hawkman against their common enemy. Hawkman thanks the two but then streaks off saying that this is his fight and he will finish it. In his fight, one of the slavers gets the drop on him and he is saved by Colos.
Back on Earth, Hawkgirl is in a fight of her own. Flint sees that she is alone and he helps her by taking out the slavers. Hawkgirl asks if Flint can make up his mind whose side he is on. He tells her that he can’t make up his mind whose side Hawkgirl is on. The two quickly dispatch the remaining slavers then turn their attention to each other. Hawkgirl notices that Flint is a Darkstar and slaps him. She and Hawkman are members of the Justice Society of America and they were looking for some missing friends but the Darkstar turned a neat and efficient search into a circus. We see Pappas hiding in some rubble with an alien that reaches for a gun behind Hawkgirl. Flint sees the threat and screams for her to watch out and tackles her. Shiera recovers and shoots the alien with a crossbow and Flint blasts Pappas with is masers. Flint wants to leave to preserve his identity but all Shiera is concerned about is Carter, not knowing that he is not alone but is with Colos and Mo.
Colos questions why Hawkman is fighting slavers when he thought that the Thanagerians were slavers themselves. Hawkman admits that he is not Thanagarian and he cannot stand slavery, it goes against his grain. Mo sees more guards approaching and he raises the alarm giving Colos and him a chance to blast the new guards. Colos finds that they are not far from the slave hold. Now Mo inwardly questions why he is here now but decides that this is not a time for doubts but a time to give his best shot in helping people again. The three bust into the hold. Carter tells Colos and Mo to keep the guards busy while he heads for the Bridge.
In one of the cells we see Carla now dressed in a grey jumpsuit. She is seeing Colos fighting the guards and surmises that he is not dressed as the others and he is fighting for them. She sees that Colos’s partner is human but she does not know who they are. She suddenly realizes that they were the same people involved in the bust at Allen Pharmaceuticals and they were called Darkstar. She decides to lend a hand in the fight for her freedom. She jumps out of the cell after it goes down and rallies the other prisoners to help. She grabs a gun from one of the downed guards and joins in the fight against the guards. The other prisoners join in the battle.
Colos realizes that the humans are giving him the opportunity to give Hawkman a hand and he and Mo head for the Bridge leaving Carla and the others fighting the guards. The two arrive to find Hawkman in a hand to hand struggle with the Bridge crew of the ship. Hawkman sees the Darkstars and just asks what took them so long. Colos retorts the same question, a couple of the crew was still left standing. Hawkman reverses the ships course to earth leaving Colos to return to the slave hold.
Carla also was successful in her fight. The humans are the only ones left standing, until Colos shows up. One of the former prisoners sees him and raises his gun to shoot but Carla lowers it saying he helped them to freedom. Colos looks into Carla’s eyes and she asks him if he is all right. Colos says he is fine but he is thinking that she is just like Mo and Flint. She too wants to make things right. He does not understand the qualities of humans but he has found three with the selfless abandon to help others. Colos moves to free the other humans. The ship should set down on Earth is less than an hour.
This is my favorite issue of this series so far. It has everything I like: action, character development, the Hawks, and strong female characters.
The action here is terrific. We get Hawkman on the ship and Hawkgirl in the “hangar” both fighting the aliens with their new allies the Darkstars. The action here was fluid and gripping as we saw multiple battles in multiple fronts.
We get the back story of Colos here. We learn of his planet of origin, Zamba as well as what sent him off to become a Darkstar. We also get a glimpse of his failure that eventually got him assigned to Earth’s sector. We also see that Colos is beginning to believe that’s the humans are not as barbaric as he originally thought they were as he has seen three humans exhibit the qualities of a Darkstar. Perhaps Hal Jordan is not so unique after all.
Of course we get the Hawks. I know that their continuity is confusing and I am not going to get into that here. The Hawks here are not Thanagarian but are humans using Thanagarian weapons. We do see the viciousness of their fighting style as they are prone to use Medieval weapons in their battle. We see a little bit of their relationship which is one of the draws I have to these characters.
Finally the strong female character. Carla is not a sexualized damsel in distress as we are prone to see a lot of in comics. She is attractive but she is smart and strong. She can rally the other prisoners including the male prisoners to join in the fight and she does not shrink from Colos but looks him in the eyes. She is to be sold as a slave but the attire that the prisoners are forced to wear is also very modest and not overly sexualized.
I will give this issue a 5 out of 5 power rings. It was terrific and recommend tracking this down as I have noticed that the Darkstars series is being released on Comixology.
The Darkstars: Issue #5 Review by Jim Remolde!
Issue 5 of Darkstars was written by Michael Jan Friedman, pencilled by Travis Charest, inked by Scott Hanna and colored by Julianna Ferriter. The lettered was Bob Pinaha and edited by Ruben Diaz and Brian Augustyn. This issue was cover dated February 1993 and was on the stands January 5, 1993 (Mike’s Amazing World of DC Comics).
“Slaves and Other Prisoners” opens with Colos and Mo handing over Evil Star to the authorities. Mo is in awe that he is in space and as the two return to earth, Colos muses about Mo’s obvious awe and thinks that he is working out better than he expected. Flint on the other hand who is not with them is another story entirely. Colos now decides that he needs a base of operation on Earth so he does not have to hop back and forth to his ship.
Meanwhile, Flint returns to the Dallas Police Department. The chief asks Flint where he has been for the last twenty four hours. Flint insists that he has not been drinking, but he is unable to give a better excuse for his whereabouts. The chief thinks that Flint had been out drinking and used mouthwash to hide his breath.
The chief puts Flint on a kidnapping case connected with Pappas, the Loco kingpin. A foxy black woman was seen with Pappas in a warehouse and she did not look happy about it. The police was able to get a warrant to raid the warehouse and Flint is to lead the bust. While the chief is talking to him, Flint decides to go ahead in his Darkstar gear to prevent any officers from getting killed if they run into aliens like the last time. Flint however answers his chief by saying that he is not sure he can lead a team basically admitting that he had been on a drinking binge. Flint now leaves the office saying that he will get his life together.
At the warehouse, Pappas is with Carla and some thugs. Pappas is going to give Carla to the aliens as a slave for spilling champagne on him in the previous issue. Carla continues to fight. Carla however thinks that Pappas is selling her to a Middle Eastern sheikh. An alien comes up and tells her that she is really going off world. The aliens take her to cargo bay delta. Carla thinks to herself, wandering if it would have been better to ignore the truth and be a good lawyer. She decides that she did make the right decision and self pity will get her nowhere. She decides to fight and find a way to escape.
Flint returns to Colos’s ship to gear up. He is unable to get in contact with Colos so he programs his suit to broadcast his message every hour regardless of his condition. He is going after Pappas alone to prevent his fellow Dallas police officers from stumbling into a group of highly armed aliens.
Later Colos and Mo discover Flint’s message. Colos tries to raise Flint to no response. Colos and Mo take off tracking Flint’s path to try to bring him back in one piece. Colos grumbles about Flint’s decision but Mo says that he chose to do this to save the lives of others and he thinks that is courageous.
In the warehouse, Flint discovers the alien’s ship wondering what is going on. Out of the corner of his eyes he sees someone approaching and opens fire with his masers. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are the two that Flint attacks and they scatter. The two return fire on Flint and the battle gets the attention of the aliens who open fire on the Hawks as well. Flint sees this and questions why the aliens are fighting among themselves and wonders if he blew it by attacking the Hawks without getting the information first. The Hawks move in to fight the aliens. Flint also attacks the aliens still questioning which side the Hawks are on. The launch sequence of the ship is initiated and the ship takes off.
This issue transitions from the Evil Star subplot back to the Pappas main plot. One of my favorite moments in comics is not just the action and adventure but the character beats. This issue is full of them. We mainly get insight into Flint here. We find that he was so embedded in his job that he sometimes decides to go above the law to bring the criminals in. His constant failures even drives him to drink and now that he has the weapons and the power to make a difference, he cannot wait for Colos. Mo even defends Flint’s actions to Colos.
The other element I like is the appearance of Hawkman and Hawkgirl. I am personally a fan of these characters and it was fun to see them show up here. I would like to see a team up with the Hawks and the Darkstars in the next issue, which I have not read as of this writing.
For the character beats I give this issue a 4 out of 5 power rings. It was a little slow but the cliffhanger makes me want to grab the next issue. See you next time
The Darkstars: Issue #4 Review by Jim Remolde!
Darkstars issue #4 written by Michael Jan Friedman, penciled by Travis Charest, inked by Scott Hanna, lettered by Bob Pinaha, and colored by Julianna Ferriter. The Editor to the Stars was Brian Augustyn and the Stellar Consultant was Robert Greenberger. The cover date is January 1993 and according to Mikes Amazing World of Comics the release date was December 1, 1992.
“Star Wars” begins with Evil Star and the starlings attacking the city in hopes of luring Green Lantern out. The police arrive to stop the mayhem but to no avail. Flint attacks one of the starlings after some officers are killed. Colos and Mo arrive to face Evil Star. All Evil Star cares about is that the two are not Green Lanterns. Evil Star attacks Colos when he attempts to convince Evil Star to surrender. Evil Star orders the starlings to attack the Darkstars as they are not worthy of his attention. Suddenly Evil Star has a crisis of conscience and questions what is it that he is doing and leaves to give himself some time to think leaving the Darkstars confused. Colos orders his ship’s computer to analyze what just happened in hopes of gaining some important Intel.
Now we catch up with Carla. She is leaving a taxi but is soon kidnapped by two goons.
The police in attempting to learn about what is going on are attacked by Evil Star who is just looking for some time to think. The Darkstars continue their pursuit of Evil Star and his starlings. They determine that the starlings are headed for an abandoned junkyard which gives Colos time to get the data he requested from his ship’s computers. Flint however goes rogue and attacks Evil Star. He is attacked and grabbed by the starlings, prompting Colos to intervene. He attacks and kills the starlings but is attacked himself by Evil Star. The Darkstars withdraw but are pursued themselves by the starlings. Colos surmises that the starlings are just trying to scare the Darkstars off and when they fly off the starlings stop their pursuit.
Colos scolds Flint for his reckless actions. Colos declares himself as the one who calls the shots and Flint is not to go off on his own again. Flint agrees saying that he got carried away. After this the three settle down to watch and wait.
We get an interlude in deep space. We see the Controllers for the first time. They approach Administrator Jeddigar in order to answer some questions. They are contemplating the distribution of Darkstar forces in sectors two through six. Their concern is that they are venturing too far from the sphere of the Controllers concerns. The administrator just says that this was not a question. The Controllers admit that they are not accustomed to verbal communication. The administrator then responds by saying the the sphere of influence the Controllers are talking about is not far enough to adequately protect them. The Controllers then question Colos’s posting on Earth saying that they do not see the relevance of this position. Jeddigar answers that Earth is extremely relevant. Earth has been tagged by an organization in Sector Four. The Controllers insist that Colos should then be replaced as he has had problems in the past so he should not be in such and important post. Jeddigar announces that he alone makes the decisions. Jeddigar ends the conversation saying that he has a staff meeting. The Controllers on leaving complain about the administrators arrogance. They decide to wait for a confrontation but admit that sometime they must confront and remove Jeddigar because in time he can become a greater threat to the Controllers.
Back on Earth, Carla slowly wakes up from the chloroform and discovers that she has been kidnapped by Pappas. Pappas kidnapped her because in his mind, she is still his lawyer and he just wants Carla to hear him out. He hopes to buy Carla’s services as his lawyer. Carla answers by throwing a glass of wine at Pappas. Pappas says that she will be sorry for her actions.
Back at the junkyard Evil Star and the starlings take off prompting the Darkstars to prepare to engage. Colos finally gets the information he ordered from his ship’s computer. It seems that the brainwave restrictor used on Evil Star was a prototype that actually spurred unconscious brain activity. The restrictor allowed Evil Star to unknowingly awaken the starlings to steal the Star-Brand. This seems to answer why Evil Star was running from the starlings in the beginning as well as his current actions. Consciously he is terrified of the starlings and as a result he is experiencing an internal struggle for control. Colos leads the Darkstars to follow Evil Star but only to distract him from a narrowcast from his ship’s computer using the same frequency of the brainwave restrictor. Colos plans to flood Evil Star’s mind with six million reminders of his genocidal crimes. This brings the internal conflict in Evil Star’s mind to a head and makes Evil Star to fall into unconsciousness. Colos removes the Star-Brand and the starlings go inactive. Colos now plans to melt a dense metal down with their masers and mold it around the starlings to prevent Evil Star’s mental commands from reaching them.
We now find Carla in Pappas’s limousine. He threatens that if she does not shut up, he will do worse to her that Pedro Montoya, the man Pappas was accused of killing. If she does shut up she will live and maybe even like where she is going.
It was good to see Colos use intelligence in defeating Evil Star. Instead of just fighting him which he learns is next to impossible, he formulates a strategy based on the Intel he was able to discover about Evil Star and win the day with this strategy.
We get our first look at the Controllers. They are pink just like the Guardians of the Universe but instead of being short like I am used to seeing the Guardians,they are normal sized. They appear to have turned over complete command to this Administrator Jeddigar. A man that they even admit to not liking or trusting. We still see that the Controllers are more concerned about their own welfare than anything else and the Darkstars were created not to police the Universe but instead protect the Controllers and their interests. I personally do not see much to like about this people.
We do get more Carla in this issue and her arc is the continuing story to be looked at next issue. I give this issue a 4 out of 5 Power Rings. It was intelligent and action packed at the same time.