
Posts Tagged ‘Fractured Spectrum’

LanternCast Episode #587- Green Lantern#19!

The “Starbreaker Corps” Episode! Hal and Carol reunite, albeit briefly, as Fractured Spectrum continues its slow march towards relevance! At least we get Kyle and a soaking wet Super Boy!?! Yes, I said it! There’s also What Has Mark Seen and a few other things along the way! Be sure to email us your thoughts or call/text us on our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN!

Time Stamps for this Episode!

  • Intro/Green Lantern #19!- 00:49
  • Brave New World Box Office Update/GL Book Sales!- 27:42
  • What Has Mark Seen: Wolfman and Presence!- 30:52

Download the episode HERE!

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