‘The Flash’ Season 1 Pilot – Review
By Chad Bokelman:
“To understand what I’m about to tell you, you need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good.”
These are the opening lines relayed to us by Barry Allen. In a small handful of sentences, the writers of this fantastic show have issued viewers and critics alike a challenge, “Just BELIEVE”. In a world where most modern popular DC adaptations are set in “real world” scenarios, fans weren’t sure the general public would buy into a guy who could run REALLY fast.
And then Barry spoke. And you’re invited into this world on “just shut up and enjoy it” terms.
There are several things about this pilot I enjoy. Unfortunately most of them are HUGE spoilers and this episode doesn’t premier until October 8th. But now that audiences are getting a chance to view this episode out in San Diego Comic Con 2014, I figured it was time to post MY review.
I saw this weeks ago when it leaked online. I’ve watched it over a dozen times since then. It’s amazing. It’s fantastic. But I don’t want to spoil things, so I’ll just hit some bullet points…
- It’s no secret that the explosion at the Central City Particle Accelerator(CCPA) plays into Barry’s origin as the fastest man alive. When Barry is explaining the importance of the CCPA to Iris, he pulls up a dry erase board. IMMEDIATELY I was washed over with a time I’ve seen a similar dynamic. In ‘Fringe’ when explaining the “science” behind many of Walters theories, the writers would use the board as a way to dumb down high concepts so the audience could understand the premise upon which that episode would be based around. With Barry as a forensic scientist AND a metahuman, it’s no surprise that we will most likely be dealing with several high concept scientific theories and such. The use of the “board” idea is a proven method that I’m THRILLED to see incorporated in this series.
- When Barry is struck by lightning, the entire origin sequence is amazing. Mostly the score. It adds mystery to the whole process AND somehow adds gravitas. Not just that something important is happening to the character, but…ok look, Barry’s origin is CLASSIC Silver Age. I mean, CLASSIC. When you watch this, you get that sense. It’s the perfect TV origin scene.
- The explanation of introducing other metahumans to this universe (including Weather Wizard seen in this episode) is short, simple and concise. It seeds so many future characters (including Grodd) that it’s a heckuva teaser sequence.
- When Barry visits Ollie in Starling City, the scene is incredible. Mostly because you see TWO classic DC characters standing together having a heart to heart, not a BS versus sequence. There’s even clear admiration as the two characters watch one another depart.
- Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow (eventually Vibe and Killer Frost respectively) are a great “support” team for Barry. There are kinks in their system but, admittedly, this is the first time you see them working in this capacity. I assume it’ll get more streamlined.
- The Barry/Iris tension is there from the get go, but we won’t see it delivered on immediately. I like that. Barry should end up with Iris, but not RIGHT out of the gate.
- Barry attempting to unravel a tornado by running around it in the opposite direction…so…freakin…cool. Such a classic Flash move to see interpreted to the screen and it WORKS.
- One criticism, Barry and his father. Not sure if that’s a dynamic I want to see in EVERY episode. Sure, visit your dad, but we don’t need that every episode or every other episode. Keep the strong connection, but don’t overdo it.
- The ‘end credits’ type scene at the end of the episode is a TOTAL geekgasm moment. Seriously, fans of historic DC comics…don’t be in the process of eating or drinking anything at the end of the episode. You’ll choke and die in your excitement.
Overall, this episode is one of the best TV pilots for a show I’ve ever seen. It’s made very well and although I think, ironically, there are some slight issues with pacing, it will really impress fans. It’s thrilling to have been able to watch this show and KNOW that, come fall, I’ll have TWO incredible DC shows to watch AND they take place in the same universe at the same time. I can’t wait for more cross overs!
P.S. The recent news that Robbie Amell will be joining the cast as Caitlin’s fiance Ronnie Raymond (aka FIRESTORM) make me even MORE excited for this TV show!