Archive for the ‘Product Review’ Category
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #18!
What to get the Sinestro Corps fan in your life? Maybe this expensive and currently hard to find Prop Replica! This was one of the first of the new Battery Replicas and as we wrap up the reviews, it’s time to ring in the New Year with Fear!
LanternCast Episode #255 – Edge of Oblivion 6 and an Audio CLASSIC!
Mark and Chad return to cross off the final issue of Edge of Oblivion from their “To Review” pile! How was it? Well LISTEN and we’ll tell you! But before that, the guys dust off a vinyl record from 1967 and represent, for your pleasure, the Origin of Green Lantern Alan Scott in audio form! Yes, SERIOUSLY. Don’t miss it! Be sure to email us or call our voice-mail at 708-LANTERN with your thoughts!
Download the episode HERE!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #17!
Hal Jordan’s Legend as “Earth’s Greatest Green Lantern” is captured in this limited edition bust and ring prop. Limited to only 2000 pieces, this great piece is part of the four bust series that also featured Alan Scott, Hal Jordan and Sinestro!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #16!
Let some Violet Light into your life and add a little Love to your Lantern Collection with the Star Sapphire Power Battery and Ring Prop. And as an added bonus, we discuss another cool new prop, though not directly Lantern related!! Unless you want to factor in Godhead, then… maybe. LOL
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #15!
A Blue Lantern movie ring gets the Batjeepster Rings treatment in our latest episode. See if “all will be well” with this latest addition to the movie-inspired ring series.
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #14!
What could the next Green Lantern movie ring possibly look like? Batjeepster Rings give us their take in this extremely attractive and fun-to-wear silver ring!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #9!
Our Ringcyclopedia takes a look at the brand new BatJeepster Sinestro Corps Movie Ring! Gold-plated brass, with some translucent resin thrown in, makes for a very nice piece in our ring collection!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #8!
We continue our Ringcyclopedia with the Orange Lantern Power Battery and Ring Full-Scale replica! Embrace your inner Larfleeze and hoard this impressive battery for yourself. Mine! Mine! Mine!
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #7!
The 1996 Florida Expo rings, each carried an ‘FX’ on one side and a ’96’ on the other. These were given out to dealers at the convention that year in little green bags. You wouldn’t know which ring you go, but there were 3. A gold ring, limited to 12 pieces, and a silver version and a brass version, each limited to 150 pieces. They all had the same green gem stone in the center. Each ring came with a certificate of authenticity with the ring’s number. A few prototypes have surfaced over time, all green rings with no FX or 96 on the sides. The prior year, Florida Expo had given out a similar ring with the Superman logo featured.
LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #6!
Journey back to the days of yesteryear, as we revisit the 1998 Kyle Rayner style Green Lantern ring. This was the first widely available or mass produced Green Lantern ring by DC and despite how great it looks, it doesn’t really endow the wearer with super powers. Bummer! But it still shines bright in any Green Lantern fan’s heart.