
Archive for the ‘Ringcyclopedia’ Category

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #7!

The 1996 Florida Expo rings, each carried an ‘FX’ on one side and a ’96’ on the other. These were given out to dealers at the convention that year in little green bags. You wouldn’t know which ring you go, but there were 3. A gold ring, limited to 12 pieces, and a silver version and a brass version, each limited to 150 pieces. They all had the same green gem stone in the center. Each ring came with a certificate of authenticity with the ring’s number. A few prototypes have surfaced over time, all green rings with no FX or 96 on the sides. The prior year, Florida Expo had given out a similar ring with the Superman logo featured.

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #6!

Journey back to the days of yesteryear, as we revisit the 1998 Kyle Rayner style Green Lantern ring. This was the first widely available or mass produced Green Lantern ring by DC and despite how great it looks, it doesn’t really endow the wearer with super powers. Bummer! But it still shines bright in any Green Lantern fan’s heart.

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #5!

We continue our Ringcyclopedia with the Blue Lantern Power Battery and Ring Full-Scale replica! All Will Be Well once this piece joins your collection!

Retailing for just under $200.00 (less if you order it on DCBS or Big Bad Toy Store, this replica helps keep the Blue Light of Hope alive, even when things look their bleakest.

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #4!

Harness the emotional spectrum by adding this beautiful piece to your collection.

Retailing for just under $200.00, this replica literally shines brighter than all the batteries that have come before!

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #3!

This episode features the JLA Trophy Room: Green Lantern Rings Prop Replica. This prop was originally solicited during the epic “Blackest Night” story and was unfortunately designed under the mistaken belief there would only be eight rings featured in “Blackest Night.” By the time the White Lantern ring and entity had been introduced, it was too pretty much too late to do any modifications to the Prop.

It originally sold between $229-$250 when it first was solicited and if you’re lucky enough to find one now, prepare to pay more than that (in all likelihood). The production run was limited to 2000 pieces.

The prop itself is pretty impressive and the way it lights up is a nice touch. Despite the lack of the White Ring, I’m still pretty happy to have this in my collection. 🙂


LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #2!

This episode features the DC Direct Green Lantern Movie Prop Replica Ring. This ring was based off the specs of the actual prop ring, making it the most accurate replica available. Limited to 4000 pieces, this ring is long since sold out. It originally sold for around $45, but now tends to fetch a much higher price. If you can find one cheap, get it. It’s a great ring.

LanternCastVIDS Presents: ‘Ringcyclopedia’ #1!

Finally taking full advantage of the video format (and the long ago created ‘LanternCastVIDS’ youtube channel) Jim Ford walks us through the Green Lantern rings one by one…starting with the DC Direct GL Movie Style ring!

The first entry to the Lanterncast Ringcyclopedia, a catalog of Green Lantern rings! This episode features a look at the movie style Green Lantern ring that comes with the DC Direct Green Lantern Movie Style Power Battery Prop Replica. This ring has a magnet in it that activates the lantern. According to my replica, this is set is limited to 2500 pieces, long since sold out now though.

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